Cleaning the bathroom: how to clean it?

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In order to keep the bathroom clean, it is necessary to make a habit of cleaning regularly. If you have this habit, you can always make the bathroom a hygienic and clean space.

In a home, cleanliness should always be a priority. However, the reality is that modern people are driven by busy lives and have little time to thoroughly clean every nook and cranny. So today, let’s learn about cleaning the bathroom and some tips to help keep it clean.

Cleaning the bathroom can often feel like a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be a quick and easy process. In this article, we will go over some tips and tricks for cleaning your bathroom effectively and efficiently.


The bathroom, like the kitchen, is a space that gets dirty easily because it is used frequently. Both bathrooms and kitchens produce harmful bacteria if left unattended. 

It is very important to keep the bathroom hygienic and clean .

So now, let’s take a look at some ideas that will help you keep your bathroom clean. let’s remember If not cleaned weekly, the bathroom will become a very dirty den.


Why do toilets get dirty quickly?

The bathroom is the most frequently used space in the house. The average person goes to the bathroom 7 times a day. This figure should never be taken lightly, as each time you use the bathroom, it gets dirtier than before.

The sink, shower, and toilet are all used daily. These toilet utensils allow humans to enjoy personal hygiene and cleanliness. Why not pay back cleanliness to your bathroom fixtures?

There is nothing better than the pleasant and clean feeling of being in an unpolluted space free from dirt and odors. After all, the most important thing is that it is not difficult to get rid of grime and keep your bathroom germ-free. You just have to make an effort.

sky blue bathroom wall

Perceiving Cleanliness

Being too busy with life is never good news. It’s because you forget the time to clean because you’re dealing with the daily pile of work. We strongly recommend below a number of steps you can take to achieve daily cleaning.

  • Spend an hour a day cleaning the house.  It should also include toilet cleaning.
  • Let’s not dirty the seat we used too much.
  • Remove any dirt or debris immediately. In this way, you can successfully clean from time to time.
  • Keep the bathroom hygienic. Pay special attention to toilet hygiene .
  • Use air fresheners or freshen the air.  Air purifiers are a big help
  •  Keep it clean even on your days off .
toilet storage space

Teaching your children to use a clean toilet helps them develop the habit of keeping a clean house when they grow up.

  1. Gather your supplies

Before you start cleaning, gather all the necessary supplies. This will save you time and ensure that you have everything you need to get the job done. Here are some essential items you should have:

  • Cleaning solutions: You can either use store-bought cleaners or make your own using natural ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice.
  • Cleaning tools: A scrub brush, microfiber cloths, sponges, and a squeegee are all useful tools to have on hand.
  • Gloves: Protect your hands with gloves while cleaning to avoid direct contact with cleaning solutions.
  • Trash bags: Keep a few trash bags handy to dispose of any trash or clutter in your bathroom.
  1. Start with the basics

Begin by clearing out any clutter, like towels, bath mats, and other personal items. Put away any products that are not in use, like shampoos, soaps, and other toiletries. Once the clutter is removed, it’s time to start cleaning.

  1. Clean from top to bottom

When cleaning your bathroom, always start from the top and work your way down. Begin by wiping down any cobwebs, dusting light fixtures, and cleaning vents. Then, move on to cleaning the walls, mirrors, and windows. Finally, clean the floors, starting with the toilet and moving towards the shower or tub.

  1. Use the right products

Using the right products can make all the difference when cleaning your bathroom. Store-bought cleaners can be effective, but they can also contain harsh chemicals that may be harmful to your health. Natural cleaning solutions like vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice can be just as effective and are safer for you and the environment.

  1. Focus on high-touch areas

High-touch areas like the toilet, sink, and shower are where germs and bacteria are most likely to accumulate. Focus on these areas when cleaning your bathroom, using a disinfectant cleaner or a natural solution like vinegar to kill bacteria and germs.

  1. Don’t forget the details

When cleaning your bathroom, it’s important not to overlook the details. Clean the grout in between tiles, scrub the grime off the faucet, and clean the toilet bowl thoroughly. Don’t forget to clean the shower curtain or door, as well as the showerhead.

Cleaning the bathroom, what detergent products do you need?

Not all detergent products can be used for all types of cleaning. Of course, there is no doubt that you can find a great variety of products on the market. However, you need to know how to tell which products are made for toilet cleaning.

Therefore, when cleaning the toilet, the following points should be kept in mind.

  • Sinks, showers, and toilets: Bleach is effective for cleaning toilets as it kills bacteria and completely sanitizes the surface .
  • Glass windows, mirrors: A special cleaning tool for glass windows helps to keep the surface shiny by removing accumulated dirt and stains .
  • Bathroom floors: You can use bleach here too. However, if your bathroom floor is not wooden, you can find disinfectant products on the market that are specifically formulated for cleaning bathroom floors. If you have wood floors, you should look for products that won’t damage the floor.
  • Bathroom walls : Simply wipe down to prevent dirt and dust from accumulating.
Orange rubber gloves and yellow towel

Toilet cleaning, what do you need to start?

Plastic rubber gloves are essential. Rubber gloves prevent direct contact with detergent products that are harmful to the human body, such as bleach or ammonia .

Next, cleaning with a sponge is the key to not wasting a single drop of detergent product. Using sponges not only protects the environment but also helps conserve resources.

Each time you clean, you have to sweep and wipe the same area over and over again to completely scrub off the dirty dirt and grime . After that, rinse the area with water and dry it with a towel.

And, of course, the inside of the toilet should also be cleaned with a toilet brush.

Proper cleaning means a healthy and hygienic space. A clean house makes the mind calm.

In conclusion, cleaning the bathroom doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By following these tips and using the right products and tools, you can keep your bathroom clean and fresh-smelling in no time. Remember to focus on high-touch areas and pay attention to the details, and your bathroom will stay sparkling clean.

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